
Meeting with H.E. Mr. HAYASHI Makoto, Deputy Director-General/Deputy Assistant Minister, and Japan’s SOM Leader for Mekong-Japan Cooperation ( 6 October 2022 )

On the morning of 6th October 2022, H.E. Mr. SOK Soken, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Cambodia’s Alternate SOM Leader for Mekong Cooperation, had a meeting with H.E. Mr. HAYASHI Makoto, Deputy Director-General/Deputy Assistant Minister, and Japan’s SOM Leader for Mekong-Japan Cooperation. Taking this opportunity, H.E. Mr. SOK Soken congratulated H.E Mr. HAYASHI as the newly appointed SOM Leader of Japan and comprehensively discussed the cooperation between the two countries, particularly under the Mekong-Japan framework.

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