The 8th Meeting of the Network of Structures and Institutions in Charge of Francophonie in Asia-Pacific (RESIFAP) was organized from 24 to 25 October 2023 in Noumea, New Caledonia, under the chairmanship of His Excellency Dr. Chhiv Yiseang, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and current President of RESIFAP and Mr. Yoann Lecourieux, Member of the Government of New Caledonia in charge of Francophonie. This annual meeting was attended by Mr. Edgar Doerig, Regional Representative of the OIF for Asia and the Pacific, all the National Correspondents of the Network including Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Vanuatu, South Korea and New Caledonia, as well as Mr. Christophe Gigaudaut, Delegate for Francophonie Affairs and National Correspondent of France to the OIF and Representatives of the Regional Representation of the OIF in Asia-Pacific, the High Commissioner of France in New Caledonia, the French-Speaking Regional Center of Asia-Pacific, the Center for International Meetings and Exchanges in the Pacific, the University of New Caledonia and the French-Speaking University Agency (AUF)…
During this meeting, the participants praised the richness and diversity of the actions carried out by each member in the framework of Francophonie, aimed at promoting the use of French language and the values of Francophonie in the Asia-Pacific region. These actions also aim at promoting the region's economic and commercial opportunities and attracting the attention of the higher authorities of the OIF to this important part of the world. The initiative to converge the interests of regional organizations that are part of the world economic powers, in particular RESIFAP and ASEAN of which four countries are members, was raised and debated in the meeting.
They fruitfully exchanged on the implementation of the OIF Strategic Framework, the new Quadrennial Program, and priority projects for the period 2024-2027 in Asia-Pacific. RESIFAP also heard with interest the monitoring report presented by Vietnam on the implementation of the Declaration on the French language in the linguistic diversity of Francophonie which is structured around 4 areas: Education and training; International organizations; Economy, digital, innovation and science; Culture, media and communication.
The participants took note of the presentation of Mr. Kaloyan Kolev, program specialist, who provided an update on the French-Speaking Youth Forum in Asia-Pacific (FJFAP) in 2024, including all aspects of its organization. The question of associating this FJFAP to the Summit of Francophonie in 2024 in France was also addressed.
RESIFAP subsequently acknowledged the quality of the interventions of the Regional Representative of the OIF, Mr. Edgar Doerig, Mr. Christophe Gigaudaut and the Representative of the AUF in Asie-Pacific Region, relating respectively to the next 44th Ministerial Conference of Francophonie in Yaoundé on 4-5 November, the 19th Summit of Francophonie in 2024 in France and the 3rd Edition of the World Week of the Scientific Francophonie which will take place in Quebec from 30 October to 2 November 2023.
At the end of this 8th RESIFAP Meeting, the Cambodian Delegation participated, with other delegations, in the 13th Edition of the Asia-Pacific French-Speaking Forum organized by New Caledonia from 25 to 28 October. After three years of interruption due to the pandemic, this year, this Forum is open to Asia, following the recommendations of RESIFAP during its 7th meeting in 2022. Numerous linguistic and cultural events including conferences on Francophonie and its assets were organized during this major French-speaking event. His Excellency the Secretary of State gave a lecture in a public conference on the assets of Francophonie in Asia.