On the morning of 5 December 2024, His Excellency Tan Bunpa, Ambassador of the Royal Embassy of Cambodia to Serbia, businessmen, travel agents, and journalists from the Republic of Serbia, met with H.E. Suon Sophal, Deputy Secretary General of the Cambodia Investment Board, to discuss the latest developments of investment potential and investment environment in Cambodia. On this occasion, H.E. Suon Sophal informed about the background of the development of investment-related regulations and policies that the Royal Government has continuously improved to facilitate, promote and sustain investments for national and international investors to make them more attractive and favorable. In addition, H.E. expressed optimism that the meeting between the Council for the Development of Cambodia and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Serbia will be a new gateway to strengthen and expand activities to promote and attract investment in both directions, which will lead to businesses from the Balkan region investing in Cambodia in the future.