On 28 October 2021, on behalf of His Excellency Deputy Prime Minister PRAK Sokhonn, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, His Excellency Dr. CHHIV Yiseang, Secretary of State and National Correspondent of Cambodia to the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF), participated in the 38th extraordinary session of the Ministerial Conference of La Francophonie (CMF) via videoconference, at the invitation of Madame Louise MUSHIKIWABO, Secretary General of La Francophonie. Presided over by His Excellency Othman JERANDI, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, the extraordinary session brought together ministers and heads of delegation of OIF members. After fruitful discussions and in a spirit of solidarity, the ministers and the heads of delegation decided by consensus to postpone the 18th Francophonie Summit to 19-20 November 2022 in Djerba, Tunisia.