
Visiting the Siem Reap Province ( 12 November 2022 )

During the 4០th and 41st ASEAN Summits and the Related Summits in Phnom Penh, on 12 November 2022, H.E. Mrs KHENG Samvada, Spouse of His Excellency Deputy Prime Minister PRAK Sokhonn, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and High Representative of Samdech Kittiprittbandit BUN Rany Hun Sen, led the Spouses of the Heads of State/Government, Mrs. Sichanh Viphavanh, Spouse of the Prime Minister of Lao PDR. H.E. Mrs. Louise Araneta Marcos, Spouse of the President of the Republic of the Philippines, Associate Professor Naraporn Chan-o-cha, Spouse of the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand, Mrs. Kishida Yuko, Spouse of the Prime Minister of Japan, and Mrs. Amélie Derbaudrenghien, spouse of the President of the European Council, to visit the Siem Reap Province where all of the delegation visited Angkor Wat Temple, Bayond Temple and Artisans Angkor. H.E. Mrs KHENG Samvada also hosted a luncheon for all of the delegation at Malis Restaurant.

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