Embassy News

Official Handover of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Padmapani

On 28 July 2023, Cambodian Ambassador to Australia H.E. Dr. CHEUNBORAN Chanborey represented the Royal Government of Cambodia in the Official Handover of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Padmapani with Attendants - three 9th-10th century Cham artifacts - at the National Gallery of Australia (NGA). 

Representing the Australian Government at the event included the Hon. MP Susan Templeman, Special Envoy for the Arts and H.E. Ruth Stone, Assistant Secretary for the Vietnam and Mekong Strategy Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Around 50 members of the Cambodian community in Canberra also attended the ceremony. 

It was the first event of its kind in Australia. Moreover, experts are assessing other sculptures at the NGA, some of which might belong to Cambodia.

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