Embassy News

Meeting with Mr. Glen Lau-Kee, Chairman, and Ms. Mary Sue Bissell, President of the US-ASIA Institute

His Excellency Keo Chhea, the Ambassador of Cambodia to the United States of America, hosted a dinner on the evening of August 7, 2023, in honor of Mr. Glen Lau-Kee, Chairman, and Ms. Mary Sue Bissell, President of the US-ASIA Institute, at the Cambodian Embassy. During the meeting, Mr. Lau-Kee conveyed his congratulations on the outcome of the Cambodian election and expressed his intention to maintain collaborative ties with the Cambodian government and its people. The Ambassador provided an overview of the recent elections, which were characterized as free, fair, peaceful, and transparent. He highlighted the resulting stability and tranquility within the nation. Moreover, the Ambassador shared views regarding the preparations undertaken by the new government to continue Cambodia's developmental pursuits

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