
Signing the Exchange of Notes and Accompanying Documents

On 26 October 2023, His Excellency SOK Chenda Sophea, Deputy Prime Ministerand Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, signed the Exchange of Notes and Accompanying Documents with His Excellency Ambassador UENO Atsushi concerning the provision of Japan’s grant aid at the amount of JPY 1,338,000,000 (approximately USD 9.7 Million) for the implementation of the project for the Establishment of Nationwide Continuously Operating Reference Station Network. 

This project is aimed at accelerating cadastral surveying and strengthening administrative services related to land registration through installation of continuously operating reference station, thereby contributing to promotion of infrastructure projects. As Cambodia is experiencing rapid infrastructure and land development, the installation of Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) system across Cambodia is of great significance.
On behalf of the Royal Government and people of Cambodia, His Excellency Deputy Prime Minister expressed my sincere gratitude to the Government and people of Japan for continuing Official Development Assistance to Cambodia. Japan’s ODA covers a wide range of cooperation including infrastructure development, health, education, water supply and demining, among many others. This reflects Japan’s vital role in contributing to socio-economic development of Cambodia.

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