On 25 April 2024, His Excellency MEAS Kim Heng, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, co-chaired with Mrs. Paola Pampaloni, Deputy Managing Director of the European External Action Service, the plenary meeting of the 12th Cambodia-European Union Joint Committee, which is a biannual dialogue mechanism. The meeting was attended by key line-ministries/institutions of Cambodia and the EU’s representatives from relevant directorate general of the European Commission.
During the meeting, the co-chairs of the three sub-groups on (1) development cooperation, (2) trade and investment, and (3) institution building, administrative reform, legal and judicial reform, governance and human rights, briefed the meeting of the outcomes of their respective sub-groups. The plenary meeting proceeded in an amicable environment and concluded by identifying some key recommendations and actions for both sides to expand their cooperation in new priority areas, particularly green growth and digital technology. Both sides also expressed their steadfast commitment to strengthen the Cambodia-EU partnership both in the bilateral and multilateral framework.