On Tuesday, 18 July 2017, S.E. Dr. Chem Widhya, Ambassador of Cambodia in France, participated in the ACP (ASEAN Committee in Paris) Meeting held at the Embassy of Viet Nam in Paris. The Meeting exchanged views on the following issues:
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- Exchange of experience on the substance of the discussion during the ACP Working Lunch with Mr. Thierry de Montbrial, Director of the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI) held on 14 June 2017, and the Working Dinner with Mr. Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Former Prime Minister and Former Senator of France, held on 11 July 2017; \r\n
- Preparation for the ACP Working Breakfast with Mr. Jean-Yves Le Drian, French Minister for European and Foreign Affairs, which will be held on 4 August 2017; \r\n
- Preparation for the 50th Anniversay of ASEAN to be held on 16 October 2017 in Paris; \r\n
- Preparation for ASEAN Family Day held on 29 July 2017 at Croissy-sur- Seine, Ile-de-France; and \r\n
- Other activities scheduled to be held during the Brunei and Cambodia’s Chairmanship of the ACP in 2017 and early 2018. \r\n