Embassy News

H.E. Mrs. Touch Sopharath, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the Federal Republic of Germany, attended the celebration of the 50th Founding Anniversary of ASEAN.

On 08 August 2017,  H.E. Mrs. Touch Sopharath, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the Federal Republic of Germany, attended the celebration of the 50th Founding Anniversary of ASEAN at the Embassy of the Republic of Singapore in Berlin. During that occasion, H.E. Mr. Laurence Bay, Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore, and the rotating chair of the Berlin/ASEAN Committee (BAC), delivered his Remarks highlighting the acheivements made by ASEAN since its establishment in 1967, the commitment of this reginal organization in building the ASEAN Community as well as challenges that ASEAN is facing in this uncertain world.​ Moreover, BAC launched the Recipe Book to introduce the variety flavors of ASEAN foods.
