On 15 August 2017, H.E. Mrs. Touch Sopharath, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the Federal Republic of Germany, met with H.E. Mr. Tomáš Jan Podivínský, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Germany, at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Berlin. During that occasion the Cambodian Ambassador informed her counterpart about recent development of Cambodia with annual GDP growth at 7%. She stressed that without peace and political stability, Cambodia would not be able to achieve these remarkable results. H. E. Ambassador also highlighted the important role of EU in socio-economic development of Cambodia. Moreover, EU is the largest market for Cambodia’s goods. H. E. Ambassador informed the Czech counterpart that she will spare all efforts to strengthen the bilateral relations between the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Czech Republic during her tour of duty as the Cambodian Ambassador to the Czech Republic with Residence in Berlin.