Embassy News

Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN

On Monday, 16 October 2017, in Paris, ASEAN Committee in Paris (ACP) celebrated the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN, with the participation of H.E. Mr. Le Luong Minh, Secretary General of ASEAN, as the ACP’s Guest of Honour.


To commemorate the 50th Jubilee of ASEAN, the ACP organised the following activities:

  1. ASEAN Business Forum organised with the collaboration of the MEDEF (Movement of Enterprises of France) with the participation of Mrs. Claire Cheremetinski, Assistance Secretary, Ministry of the Economy and Finance, as a Representative of the French government, and participated by around 100 French businessmen. MEDEF side was represented by Mr. Pierre GATTAZ, President of MEDEF, and Mr. Frédéric SANCHEZ, President of MEDEF International.
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  3. The reception in honour of the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN with the participation of Mr. Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Minister of State attached to the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, as Representative of the French government. Around 400 national and international guests took part in the celebration. In this occasion, Cambodia performed two classical dances, Chuoy Chay Tevoda Dance and Apsara Dance which have strongly attracted participants’ attention.
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