Embassy News

H.E Mr. Cheng Manith, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia to Lao PDR, attended the 3rd International Students and Youth’s Cultural Exchange “Lao People’s Revolutionary Youth and Roles on International Cooperation”

On 20th December 2017, H.E Mr. Cheng Manith, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia to Lao PDR and Cambodian Diplomats to Lao PDR in cooperation with Cambodian Students studying at the National University of Laos participated in the 3rd International Students and Youth’s Cultural Exchange “Lao People’s Revolutionary Youth and Roles on International Cooperation” held at the National University of Laos in Vientiane. The event was presided over by the Dean of the National University of Laos and Secretary General of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Youth. Cambodian arts were performed by Cambodian students during the event. Some Cambodian food and dessert were also displayed and ready for the participants to taste.
