Embassy News

H.E. NEY Sam Ol delivered a statement in response to the annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the office of the high commissioner and the secretary-general in the 37th Regular Session of Human Rights Council

On the 08 March 2018 H.E. NEY Sam Ol, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the United Nations Office and Other International Organization at Geneva delivered a statement in response to the annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the office of the high commissioner and the secretary-general in the 37th Regular Session of Human Rights Council as follow:\r\nMr. President,\r\nI wish to thank the High Commissioner for the report covering a number of human rights issues around the globe including that of Cambodia, in which the achievement in social protection and minimum wage has been praised. But unfortunately, the High Commissioner stopped short of recognising other tremendous outcomes in relation to the promotion and protection of human rights in this country.\r\nWorse than that, premising on unverified or incredible sources, the High Commissioner insubstantially alleged that some measures taken purely to maintain law and order, to uphold peace, stability, and development by legitimate authorities including the necessary amendment of some laws are curtailing freedom of expression and shrinking political space.\r\nLike other democratic countries, my government is bound by a duty to enforce law and order indiscriminately irrespective of individual status or stature. Therefore, let us make no mistake, being human rights defenders, political actors, or journalists do not mean they are immune from prosecution.\r\nWe encourage and welcome all actors to execute their rights, but rights is not absolute. The duty of individuals to exercise their rights responsibly is primarily a legal duty under international human rights instruments.\r\nIs a political rhetoric with full of incitement, hatred, discrimination, and call for rebellion against legitimately elected government entitled the right to freedom of opinion and expression? I see not, and so too don’t you.\r\nHowever, Cambodia is committed to participate in and engage with all UN human rights mechanism. Currently Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia is visiting this country. Additionally, other thematic Special Rapporteurs are also invited.\r\nI thank you Mr. President.

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