Embassy News

H.E. Ms. CHEA KIMTHA, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia to Japan, attended the 285th Meeting of the ASEAN Committee in Tokyo (ACT)

On 21 February 2018, H.E. Ms. Chea Kimtha, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia to Japan, attended the 285th Meeting of the ASEAN Committee in Tokyo (ACT), which was organized by H.E. Mrs. Kamilah Hanifah, Ambassador of Brunei to Japan, as a current chair of ACT.


After the meeting, H.E. Ambassador took part in the ACT luncheon, which was also hosted by H.E. Mrs. Kamilah Hanifah and in which Mr. Takeo Mori, Senior Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, participated as the VIP guest at the invitation of H.E. Chair of ACT.
