Embassy News

H.E. Mr. Nom Piseth, presented letter of credence to His Majesty Phillip, the King of Belgium

  • Expressed my sincere thanks to His Majesty the king for accepting me as the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the kingdom of Belgium. I iterated that within my three-year term in Brussels, I will do my best to further enhance the traditional and long standing ties between the two kingdoms for the best interests of the two peoples.
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  • Congratulated for your appointment as Cambodian Ambassador to Belgium and wished you success in your mission in Brussels. Since there are few Belgian companies doing business in Cambodia, it is important if you could introduce the investment potentials or share information concerning business opportunity in Cambodia to Belgian business community here in Brussels. His Majesty the king also highlighted that Belgium has contributed to humanitarian activities in Cambodia, including mine clearance projects.
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  • On behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Belgian government for granting Cambodia with the valuable assistance. I further stressed that the assistance in demining has been playing a pivotal role in the socio-economic development and poverty alleviation in Cambodia.
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  • Cambodia is currently recognized as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies with high economic growth at around 7% annually for the past two decades. This growth was supported by four key sectors: garment industry, construction, agriculture and services. With this growth rate, Cambodia is able to graduate from a low income country status and move up to a lower middle income country with the GDP per capita of about 1,500 USD and reduce its poverty rate to below 10 percent last year. We desire to achieve an upper middle-income status by 2030 and a high-income country by 2050.
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  • Promoting trade and tourism cooperation between the two countries is the priority during my mission in Brussels. I will work closely with the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs and Belgian authorities concerned to come up with legal frame works to push forward these two sectors.
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