Embassy News

H.E. Ambassador and Mr. Duong Chanthy, commercial counselor attended ASEAN Trade and Investment Forum 2019

On 4 April 2019, H.E. Ambassador and Mr. Duong Chanthy, commercial counselor attended ASEAN Trade and Investment Forum 2019 in Brussels with participation from all Ambassadors of ASEAN Member States, representatives from the EU and ASEAN Secretariat and private sector of Belgium.  His Excellency Ambassador was also a panelist in the session “Making ASEAN Economic Community as a Global Destination” while at the same time His Excellency Mr. Nut Unvoanra, Deputy Secretary General of the Cambodian Investment Board (CDC) presented on Investment Environment and Opportunity in Cambodia.\r\n\r\nDuring this occasion, the Embassy, with the support from Khmer community in Belgium, displayed and distributed to the participants the materials related to the investment potentials in Cambodia.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

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