On 20 December 2019, H.E. Mr. CHHOUK Bunna, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, accompanied by Mr. MAO Dareth, First Secretary, paid a Courtesy Call on H.E. U Kyaw Tin, Union Minister for the Ministry of International Cooperation of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, in Nay Pyi Taw. During the meeting, H.E. U Kyaw Tin and the Cambodian Ambassador emphasized the depth and strength of the long-standing friendly relationship between the two countries. They also discussed on the commemoration of the 65th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Diplomatic Relations between the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in 2020.\r\n\r\n
Embassy News
20 Dec 2019
H.E. CHHOUK Bunna, Ambassador of Cambodia to Myanmar, called on Union Minister for the Ministry of International Cooperation