Embassy News

Ambassador of Cambodia to Viet Nam paid a courtesy call on President of the National Assembly of Viet Nam

On 30 June 2020, H.E. Mr. CHAY Navuth, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, accompanied by the Embassy’s officials and defense attaché, paid a courtesy call on H.E. Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, President of the National Assembly of Viet Nam.\r\n\r\nH.E. Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan reiterated the long-standing friendship between Cambodia and Viet Nam and the strengthening of bilateral cooperation in all fields as well as praised Cambodia for her success in fighting against COVID-19.\r\n\r\nThe Ambassador expressed his pleasure that Viet Nam has successfully prevented against the spread of COVID-19 with low infection rates, especially the Viet Nam's role as the chair of ASEAN this year and as non-permanent member of the UNSC and the nomination of Madam Speaker as President of the National Electoral Council in 2021.\r\n\r\nThe Ambassador also thanked Madam Speaker for providing medical equipment and masks to Cambodia to help fight against COVID-19.\r\n\r\n

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