Embassy News

Ambassador of Cambodia to Malaysia met with representatives of EXIM Bank Malaysia

On 01 September 2020, His Excellency CHEY Vichet, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia to Malaysia, received representatives of EXIM Bank Malaysia led by Mr. Marazizi B. Omar, Chief Business Officer, at the Royal Embassy of Cambodia in Kuala Lumpur.\r\n\r\nDuring the meeting, H.E. Mr. Ambassador briefed on Cambodia’s economic update and measures taken by the Royal Government in combatting the Covid-19 pandemic as well as investment and business opportunities in Cambodia.\r\n\r\nThe Bank’s mission aims to offer funding to Malaysian companies that plan to do business and have joint venture projects in Cambodia. The Bank’s representative agreed, upon Ambassador’s request, to host an investment and business seminar on Cambodia at appropriate times in the near future.\r\n\r\n

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