Embassy News

H.E. Ms. CHEA KIMTHA, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia to Japan, attended the Charity Concert Classic 2018

On 21 February 2018, H.E. Ms. Chea Kimtha, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia to Japan, attended the Charity Concert Classic 2018, which was sponsored by KDDI Foundation, with an aim to raise fund to build schools for Cambodian children. Miss Chuon Sosunny, a pianist and the winner of the KDDI Foundation – sponsored project entitled “Catch a Cambodian Star 2017”, also took part in the performance.


In her opening remarks, H.E. Ambassador took the opportunity to welcome the audience and to express her gratitude to the KDDI Foundation for sponsoring this Charity Concert Classic 2018 in order to support Cambodian students’ education. Furthermore, H.E. Ambassador highlighted that this concert was amid the celebration of 65th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Relations between the Kingdom of Cambodia and Japan.
