On 12 January 2020, H.E. Mr. CHHOUK Bunna, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Cambodia to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, participated in the First Students Festival 2020 at Yangon University, Yangon, Myanmar. More than 1,000 students attended this exciting event. In collaboration with the Organizing Committee of the event, the Royal Embassy of Cambodia set up a country booth where students from grade 7 to 9 could visit and learn some facts about Cambodia.\r\n\r\nH.E. Mr. CHHOUK Bunna welcomed H.E. Dr. Myo Thein Gyi, Union Minister of Education and other dignitaries of the Republic of Union of Myanmar who came to visit the Cambodia’s country booth.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
Embassy News
12 Jan 2020
H.E. CHHOUK Bunna, Ambassador of Cambodia to Myanmar, attended the First Students Festival 2020 at Yangon University